
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where to find Cute Toddler Boys Pants?

So, now that it's getting chilly in Chi-town, we're switching (sadly) from shorts to pants....

Except, all of buddy's pants are now well above his ankles. Think capris.
So, time to get new pants. Sounds easy, right? Not as easy as it seems.

While I love cords and jeans (absolutely adorable on a little boy), for everyday wear, I prefer soft and comfortable and easy to play and run around in.   But don't love the really thin, not super soft, cotton pants, or the "stiffer" type of track pants.  And, I prefer not to pay $40+ for a pair of 3 yr old pants (which eliminates Boden, Splendid, Appaman).

So where does that leave us?

Until now, my go-to brands for pants have been Gap Kids and Mish Mish.  I Usually buy sweats at Gap. But a boy must have more than just Gap sweats! Plus, looking for something slightly nicer looking.

Which leads me to my favorite favorite pants.  Mish Mish.  But I cannot find them anywhere above a size 2T. However, I highly recommend them IF you can find them.  They are slightly pricey, but you'll get great use out of them and they are super cute.  They are soft, slightly-lighter-than-sweatpants material but thicker-than-cotton-pants, cut like cargo pants, and cute as can be.  And they aren't babyish.

Anyways, now that I'm done raving about the pants that I cannot find, back to pants we're needing.

So, as I'm writing, I'm also looking for pants. Just found a really cute pair from Bit'z Kids (never heard of) HOWEVER, they are $48!  Let's share the cuteness, but unless these orangies are going on sale, I cannot buy these.

Any suggestions for brands?

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