
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Loving my new iPad.

I just got an iPad! I'm really psyched.  I originally didn't think I needed one, with my Mac and my iPhone.  I mean, when would I use it?

I was wrong.

I just got it yesterday, and already found a very good use for it ... I spent my (brief) lunch break watching last night's Gossip Girl on the iPad.  That definitely added some fun to my work day.

I think maybe this will become a regular plan of mine. Grab lunch, find a spot with free wi-fi and watch me an episode of a good soapy show.  Now sadly, there are only eight more eps of GG. OMF.GG.

I do need to find some new shows.  But that's for another post.  In the meantime, if you have an iPad, please share some of the ways you use yours! Apps? Shows? Games? Do tell.


  1. I sold a bunch of stuff on e.bay until I had saved enough to buy myself an ipad! I love it ( as well as my Mac and my phone!) and use it loads :O Found you through the blog hop. Xx

    1. It sure is fun! Thanks for stopping by! I'll stop by as well. Julie

  2. I am so behind the times that I only got my first smart phone this year. I had no idea what I was missing out on! It's hard to imagine life without my iPhone now. :o) I'll probably get an iPad about the time they start coming out with something even more amazing!

    1. So funny! It's good to wait bc then maybe the kinks are out by the time you get it. Thx for stopping by!

  3. I need to finally break down and get a tablet. I've been avoiding buying one because of the price but I think it's time.

    Found you threw the Friendly Friday hop
    Beauty Flawed

    1. They are expensive. Mine was a combo b-day present from several family members. How about a holiday gift from everyone you know!?!?! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!
