
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy 99th birthday Bubi.

An overdue post, but I have been sort of delinquent writing. It's been really busy and I've been trying to get to sleep earlier (previously late night was my blogging time).

So let's see - time to catch up. This post is going to be about my grandma's 99th birthday.  We had a party for her. She is incredible and until very recently was 100% taking care of herself. Now she has a lady for a couple of hours a day, which is hard because she's always been so independent.

Anyways, the party was great. Relatives from all over the world sent in some videos wishing her a happy birthday, and my brother and I, on behalf of the grandkids, made a sweatshirt for her.

The theme was The Bubi Bunch (a la The Brady Bunch) and we made a design that featured all of the immediate family surrounding a nice picture of my Grandma with the words "The Bubi Bunch". On the back we wrote "Bella's 99th".  Here's a pic of the shirt:

Front of shirt
Our Model
Wishing my grandma  many more healthy & happy years and many more celebrations! Much love.

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