
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

IPhone ear bud case. Thank you Erin Erickson.

i have been trying to find something to put my iphone ear buds in for a long time .... have tried a little bag, have rolled them up and put in a plastic tin, but haven't found the right thing.  in fact, i lost my ear buds - prob. because they just didn't have a "place of their own".

so tonight, way early this morning, i found these on pinterest:

Super cute! I love. Perfecto! And when I clicked through, I arrived on, who seems to be very talented, as she makes these clever little items.

Ready to pull out my credit card, I find that Erin provides DIY instructions for the pouches. A bit bummed,  Since i don't really DIM (that being do - it - myself), but would like to in 2012 (another resolution), I decide to post about it here.

When i go back to get the link to her site, I find --- super! --- Erin has an etsy shop and has three ear bud pouches for sale! Waiting to hear if she has any other colors or patterns for sale, but this is looking promising.

And I have now written a lovely post about Erin Erickson - whoever she may be. :)

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