
Monday, January 16, 2012

Ever gone to work when the office is closed?

Did the title give it away?

Yep, I'm at work.

But we're closed.

In honor of MLK day. as it should be.

So here i am in the office, all dressed up - way more than usual (actually IN a dress). just me.

I figure I'll stay for a few hours to get some stuff done. so I've cleaned and organized my desk and files, deleted tons of emails and am getting things in order for tomorrow. when there really IS work.

note: I did go through my emails last night to try to check if we were closed. I couldn't find any emails or our vacation schedule, so I played it safe and assumed we'd be open.

So now I'm taking a few to blog.  First, spoiler alert! In honor of Matt Leblanc's Emmy win -- a funny little item I found on pinterest a while back.

anyways, i was thinking about this blog. i really do want to make it of interest for others. so far i've been writing pretty stream of consciousness, which i'm not sure is of interest to anyone! aside from my mom (thank you mom). i've talked about a few products i like and included some helpful lists and sayings, but it's essentially been my ramblings of whatever is on my mind. which is nice for a diary-style blog. but i'd love to be a place where everybody knows your name. no, that's 'cheers'. i'd love to be a place where people want to go. to read. to learn. to relate. to find out about things (products, ideas, tips) relevant to them. to laugh. so if anyone is reading this and does have any suggestions for what they'd like to see - do let me know.

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